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Pick-and-Place Robots

On Decisional Abilities for a Cognitive and Interactive Robot

Part 1: In the first part of his captivating lecture, Rachid Alami discusses decisional abilities required for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and Human-Robot Collaboration in particular. The challenge is to develop and build cognitive and interactive abilities to allow robots to perform collaborative tasks with humans, not for humans. The first part centers on the introduction to Human-Robot Joint Actions and the problems of combining tasks planning (what to do) with motion planning (how to do it), especially for grasping, and how they can be solved.

Visions for Robotics - Part 1

Part 1: In the first part of his highly interesting lecture, Markus Vincze gives us useful insights into robotics visions and presents his vision of domestic robots. As an expert on 2D and 3D vision, he trains robots to understand the functions of objects and how they can help humans in everyday life situations. He shortly introduces two EU projects, HOBBIT and Squirrel, on domestic robots before diving deeper into tasks for robot vision in real-world environments (detection, grasping, placing). The lecture is suitable for beginners.

Mobile pick-and-place robots in the real world

Moritz Tenorth, CTO at the start-up Magazino GmbH, talks about mobile pick-and-place robots in industrial working environments. Magazino develops and buildsĀ customized industrial robots and robot platforms mainly used in logistics that serve as robot assistants to humans, for example to factory workers to keep their work environment safe and efficient. Moritz Tenorth gives us an idea of how challenging these tasks are and how they can be solved. He also shares his advice for a successful transition from academia to industry and the work in a real startup environment.